Friday, January 16, 2009


Last night I got to talk to my birthmother for the very first time! It is interesting to see how alike we are! She still has my baby picture on her entertainment center. I know that she gave me up for the best of reasons. I am very lucky to have the family I have and am very blessed. We are planning to meet soon and would love to become friends. I plan to get to know the rest of my biological relatives as well. There is so much to say about the experience that I will only be able to share bits and pieces! I am still trying to process the whole thing. It has been a very good reunion and I am lucky for that. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! I love sharing about this!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Where do I come from?

I recently started the search for my birthparents. Not only for my own curiosity, but for a medical history for when Tim and I decide to start a family. A few days ago, I received basic, de-identified information concerning my adoption. My birthparents are Beverly and Robert. Both of thier mothers died the year previos. One from a historectomy, the other committed suicide thought to be a result of alcoholism. Beverly and Robert are Irish/Native American. Beverly has blonde hair and blue eyes, Robert has brown hair and brown eyes. Beverly's 3 sisters have red hair and blue or green eyes. Beverlt's dad name is Daniel, and Robert's dad name is Don. They were living with their dads' at the time of my birth. Both were 17 and juniors in high school. Beverly suffered from severe allergies and migraines...both of which I suffer from as well. Their grandparents died from old age, emphysema, and cancer. All were under 6'0" (which Tim is tall basketball stars...LOL). At this point, I am waiting for the adoption agency to send a letter to the last known address and let them know I am looking for them. The agency will let me know if the letter is returned undeliverable due to no longer being at that address. At that time, I will decide what would be the next step to take. This is a lot of information for me, but it is also very exciting! No one can take the place of my adoptive family, but I have always wanted to know where I came from and to tell them thank you for allowing me the opportunities I have had in my blessed life. I will try to keep everyone up to date on my journey.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

And the search continues...

We are still looking for a home, but at least we have had a few promising leads on homes that aren't completely trashed! Basketball season has started officially and Tim is as busy as ever. It's been fun so far watching the team! We can't wait to head to Cali for Christmas! It feels like it's been forever since we were last there! I will try to keep the blog up to date as things happen in our lives, but lately it's been the same ol' same ol'!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Sorry it's been so long!

Hey everyone! Things have been pretty crazy around here. I haven't had much time to update due to new restrictions on the internet at work. Tim and I are still looking for a home. Maybe we'll find something by Christmas! Tim is beginning to get into the heart of basketball season. It's fun seeing the returning players grow and the new players really shine. The only downside is Tim won't be home too often. That's ok...Dodger and I will sit by the fire on the cold snowy nights! I have applied for my license in counseling and if I'm accepted, I'll be under supervision for 2 years before I receive it. The program at work is really growing and I am speaking at a number of seminars and town hall meetings in the community. It's a great way to market our services and kind of makes me feel good that I am asked to participate in these programs. Along with all that, I am also writing the grants for my program. That is a job on it's own! However, no grant means no job. I will try to keep the blog updated as much as possible, but please be patient! Maybe when we get a house, we can get internet at home!

Friday, August 15, 2008

California trip

We just got back from a great vacation in California! We started the time going to the lake where I got to try Cory's new wakeboard. I loved it and it's pretty too! Word had it, I was talking to myself while I was wakeboarding Sunday we got to see everyone from church. It was so nice to see so many familiar faces! I can't believe I've been gone so long! Monday we headed off to Pismo for a week of wonderful weather. While there, we spent plenty of time playing in the water. When the rest of the family joined us for the weekend, we enjoyed playing cards, washers, okie golf, skim boarding, volleyball, and making smores. I could have stayed there forever! We had such an awesome time! Too bad we won't return until Christmas!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The search is on!

Well, Tim and I have started house hunting! We have only spent 1 actual day on the trail, but at least we know what we DON'T want. When we return from California, we are hoping to continue our search with more success. Hopefully we'll have something by the holidays!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to Beth!

Well, I'm getting closer to turning 30! At 26, there are only 4 more years until I hit that milestone. My birthday went very well. All day long I received birthday wishes from family and friends. After work Tim took me to see My Fair Lady in a huge outdoor theater. I had never seen that play before and loved it! I would say the only downside was that it was so muggy. When I got home, Tim got me a new P2 Sims game which I can't wait to play this weekend!

Just a few more weeks until we head to California!